Hole 5 in the short position plays up a gentle slope to an open basket position. The right-hand backhand hyzer route is completely open, however, missing right or long will land the thrower in thick oak shule. Routes around the left of the telephone pole and the small cluster of trees near the basket are also available, but require a bigger arm to get around all of it to land inside the circle. Numerous roller routes are also available.
On the other hand, hole 5 in the longer position is more challenging. The basket is set behind and right of the shorter position, inside the oak trees behind the short position and at the base of the large pine which can be seen the the photo above. Attempting to drive into the trees is dangerous because these trees catch discs very well and a 2m rule violation is likely. If one parks the short position, or lands on the right side of the cluster or oaks, there are narrow window and the possibility of shooting a birdie. Otherwise one is left with a tough upshot: trying to get over the tree line and land safely near the basket.